Hey all how are you doing? i need a red cattleya orchid. They Can be Either floofy or hard and waxy tell me some of your favorites that you grow and also the dimensions of the plant. I hear everyone talking about a C. Chocolate Drop. what is with that plant that makes it so beloved? maybe i will love it to. also there is another one i have seen and its name is Lc. Loog Tone 'African Beauty' HCC/AOS
If anyone has grown these can you tell me about them especially the size. and also tell me of any others that you know are amazing and that you never get tired of seeing in bloom.
Please help me
Last edited by Cattleya17; 10-03-2009 at 02:16 PM..
Reason: phrasing
I think the greatest red floofy cattleya is Blc. Port Royal Sound 'Big Red'. I actually posted pictures of it on another site; they don't do the cattleya justice because its an absolutely spectacular big red floofy cattleya, and it smells lke cinnamon!!
Wow Blc. Chia Lin 'New City' that was my first cattleya orchid! i of course killed it like a lion on the hunt LOL it was impressive! that is a must. im not a fan of the Ctna. can you tell me about the Lc. Loog Tone 'African Beauty' HCC/AOS have any of you grown it before? or even chocolate drop? how big are they?
I am finding that to be true! most of the posts on this thread have suggested the chocolate drop! or any of its hybrids! can you guys give me a height??? that really is important for me to know thank you all soooo much for all these plants!