Originally Posted by LauraN
Very nice Mauro...So sorry about the drop, but it made you human in my eyes 
You consistently set the standard for all of us, so it was refreshing in a way to hear that you actually did something that I've been known to do.
My biggest problem is learning to leave spikes alone, I have a knack for touching them and snapping them right off! 
I know that it's disappointing, but you'll bloom it again...and the flowers are gorgeous!
Laura, so nice of you saying these things! I'm really glad that you like my plants. I've been following yours too and you really have beautiful orchids!
Just for the records, I too, more often than I'd like, snap buds off, especially when they are too crowded and I am trying to arrange them... But, you know, most of times we forget these things!
Originally Posted by RoyalOrchids
Oh Mauro, how beautiful! I'll take nice size and shape over a little blue coloration any day.
Do you make these crosses yourself? Are you currently doing any breeding? I'd love to hear about some of your breeding goals.
No, Royal, this not my cross, but I have been doing crosses in a regular basis. I can't say the exact number, but I have more than fifty crosses made in the last five years. My major interest is propagating species through sib crosses or selfings. Threatened or rare species or selected clones are in my list and I have sent pods of velutinas, schillerianas, loddigesiis, purpuratas, trianaes, elongatas and others.
Occasionally I also do some inter-specific or inter-generic crosses.