This is perhaps one of the most known orchids among growers and especially among hybridizers for its striking color, not to mention the large flower compared to the plant. I acquired this seedling that resulted from selfing a selected plant found in the coastal mountains of the State of Espirito Santo, in Brazil. Not bad for the first generation in domestic cultivation.
The city of Santo André, where I live, is scarce 10 miles away from the habitat of this species. In the 80's a highway cut the habitat and we used to go see it in bloom in August. It was thousands and thousands and thousands of brilliant red dots on the trees, no matter what direction you looked at, as if the trees were all dressed up of small red Christmas lights. You can use words to describe what was seen, but no words are available to transmit the enchantment of that vision. Those scenes are forever impressed in my mind!
Then progress quickly showed its dark face. With that highway cutting the habitat, year after year the plants began to disappear. As if someone turned the lights off, by the end of the 80's, believe me, not a single plant of Sophronitis could be found anymore through the 15 miles of that highway. I went back there many times in the 90's and never saw not even a single plant of Sophronitis, with or without bloom.