Just wanted to share a couple of pictures of a somewhat unique reed stemmed epidendrum I have in my yard. I picked up a cutting for this years ago. What attracted me to it is that it is very compact for a regular reed stemmed epi, and makes a great display plant as a result. I've had other old school reed stemmed epis that were gangly, flopped all over the place, and were totally useless for landscapping. This one is different - just wish I could find similar growth habit in different colors.
There are new varieties out there with more compact growth, but my experience with them is that they have to be potted in loose mix, more for onicidiums, and treated as house or greenhouse plants, whereas this variety grows very well in standard potting soil and would, I suspect, do great planted directly in the garden.
Here are a couple of pictures of it last year.
This year it's put on more growth, a bit more rangey, and the picture is late in the season so there are a lot of seed pods, but still a great specimen. Large also since it's now in a 15 gallon pot.