I have been gone two days and came home and noticed some black spots on - in the sheath that covers the psb.
Its a sheath that is drying up and is yellowing and the black spots are kind of on - in it alone is it normal for any kind of black spot to appear in a sheath like this as it dies and drys up?
Since I was gone two days this plant has not been misted or water other than the reserve in the s/h pot.
It is almost finished drying and I did pull most of it off but am not forcing it lose where its still a little stuck.
Hi - we need some more information and photos in order to help you. I am pretty sure you are talking about a cattleya and its sheath is drying up, which is totally normal and nothing to worry about - but a picture would help??
yeah I know but no camera that I can use for that right now.....But I was thinking that is was just me obsessing and was probably normal.
I finished peeling the sheath off and the black spots were in the last thin layer that always seems to not want to come off. There was none under that.
But whoot found another new eye under it that was still hid.
I really need to take this one out of the pot and check for old roots deterioating now.Its been in s/h just about a month now and is growing new roots really well.so I will probably do this tonight.Would rinsing it with hydrogen peroxide when I do do any damage to new roots?