Stephen—The CFL bulb is the only source that makes all that much of a difference. The shelf is in a corner, perpendicular to a south-facing window. But the amount of actual sun they get is probably not all that substantial. The shelf is about 24in. high x 30in. wide x 12in. deep. Yeah, you should be able to find an appropriate socket w/ cord at any hardware store.
Swamper—the only time I've had to move plants is when spikes want to grow too close to the bulb. The plants which are closest to the bulb are all extremely high-light lovers: rupicolous Laelias, a couple Tolumnias, Sophronitis cernua, etc. But because I'm growing so close to the bulb, in a limited space with mostly minis and very compact plants, I'm able to grow on this shelf anything from Phals & Paphs (they sit at the outermost edges) to these really high light growers.
I do grow a handful of plants right in the windowsill, and they've been doing fine. But not sure I could really successfully bloom the super-high light loving orchids in the windowsill.