Cattleya chimera
This is another chimera, like the den I posted in the den section.
The term chimera originated in greek mythology. The Chimera was a mythical creature with a lion's body & head, a goat's head coming out of the body's spine, and a snake's head being the creature's tail.
My photo is Iwanagaara Appleblossom. Normally this color form would be all yellow. My flower is a chimera, like having a white flower as part of a yellow flower. And no, this is not a color break, as in a virused plant. Divisions of this plant would have the same color patterns. Clones would probably split into two forms, white or yellow .. maybe an occasional one with some sort of chimera, not necessarily identical.
Last edited by catwalker808; 08-18-2009 at 07:22 PM..