Prostechea cochleata (previously Encyclia I guess) and Epi Green Hornet (cochleata x lancifolium) are both soft leaved and generally require less intense light and more water than you seem to be giving.
The seasonal change between winter (when you got the plant), then spring, and now mid summer is quite substantial. You may be slow cooking and dehydrating your plant. However, you should check your roots. If your plant has been overheated and dehydrated for a while, this may have damaged or killed some roots. If this is the case, simply watering often will not resolve the issue, because the roots might not be able to take up the water and the base could rot.
I would, first, place the plant into lower light (out of direct summer sun). Then I would give the roots more moisture ... more frequent waterings while assuring that the base and roots do not become soggy. Then give the plant time to heal and develop new roots.
During the winter, you can give the plant bright light, but during hot summer months, you need to shade your plant more.