Hey Everyone
Just wanted to share some pics of my C. intermedia which is in bloom right now. I have only recently got into cattleyas, thanks in whole to the members of the board!! This is the second cattleya I have bloomed so far, so I am pretty excited!
Thanks for looking!
Very cool, Nick. C. intermedia is one of those cattleya species that I think more people should grow. It's quite vigorous, tends to produces multiple leads once it gets "happy," and is a generous bloomer. Now go out and buy a lot more species cattleyas to keep your plant company.
Thanks for the comments everyone!!
Thanks Steve (smweaver)! I actually have about 20different Catt species already, but this is my only coerulean variety. So she does have a lot of company, I also have an intermedia var aquinii which is yet to bloom.