Originally Posted by smweaver
Mauro, are you growing this one alongside your other loddigesiis--and if so, are the other plants showing signs of dehydration too? Maybe you could try giving a little less light and watering it with a weak solution of a vitamin B concoction like Superthrive (this is the name brand here in the US, but I bet there's probably a Brazilian equivalent). I like the flower, so I agree that you should try to pamper it for just a little longer. Good luck!
Thanks for the hints, Steve! Yes, I grow it alongside the other loddigesii and this is the only one to show severe dehydration signs. The others are doing very well. Last year I did exactly what you suggest, I mean I give it a little less light compared to the others, but it didn't work. I had forgotten about the vitamin B, thanks for bringing it to my attention, I'm trying it!!