I appreciate everyone's comments! Thanks!
Originally Posted by Rosim_in_BR
Beautiful! I like it, David!
Mauro...coming from you, I take it as a special compliment. Thanks!
Originally Posted by smweaver
Beautiful flowers, David. And the plant looks very healthy also. How tall is it? Mine (which, I believe, is a standard "jungle variety") is about to flower for the first time, so I'm anxious to see (and smell!) them. Congratulations.
Hi Steve,
The plant is about 2 1/2 feet tall to the top of the bloom spikes.
Originally Posted by RoyalOrchids
One of my favorites too. Great photos! Where did this one come from?
Hey Royal,
I got this one from a local grower who is no longer open for business to the public. Eventually I'll probably need to divide this one...maybe in another year. I'll keep you in mind when I do.