Thank you all for the kind words!
Originally Posted by Cookiemonster
That is the most adorable flower I've seen in awhile  beautiful.
Why is it seldomly found if you dont mind my asking- is it difficult to grow, find, or newly discovered specie?
I havent seen you around Mauro, I hope you are well 
Suzie, the species is not that new (1938). I belive it is not more cultivated partialy because orchid people doesn't know about it and partialy because many don't like these sequential bloomers. In consequence, it is not easily found in the commerce.
Well, I've been a little off, yes... I think OB forumites must be a little 'tired' of my type of plants, I mean I believe I've been a little repetitive with my standard Cattleyas, so I'm trying to post some different stuff. The thing is that I don't have many different plants...
Anyway, everything is fine here, thank you for asking!