I've really enjoyed visiting the Orchid Board since I joined about a month ago. Tonight I was repotting a Cattleya that I purchased about 3 weeks ago. I had started to notice that some of the leaves were shriveling and tonight when I had it out of the pot I found out there were actually 2 plants in the pot. The one with shriveling leaves has 3 growths but only 1 root and a few new ones starting to grow. I put both plants back in a pot together and am hoping the one will continue to live. Has anyone had a similar experience? Did the plant live?
The leaves most likely shrivelled because of dehydration due to lack of roots. I usually will put a catt like this in moist sphag and water Superthrive or KLN.
Lack of a root system will reflect in wrinkled leaves.... as Gerneveyn mentioned about putting in some moss, using kln should help induce new roots.
Good luck
I have had a similar experience with catts. I bought 3 that were totally rootless. I potted them and watered with SuperThrive 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of Brita filtered water. 2 of the catts are thriving now, but, I'm having a little trouble with one of them. It may have been too far gone. I'm not giving up though. Don't give up on it, but do try some kind of root hormone, KLN or SuperThrive.
Good Luck!!
Thank you for the tips. I will add some rooting hormone to water and water with it tomorrow morning. How often should I water with the rooting hormone? Also, do you think it will hur the other plant in the pot that doesn't have any problems?
No, the rooting hormone won't hurt your other plant. Might get a lot more roots though! When I started it, I pretty much did it every time I watered, with every plant in my collection. You could cut back when you have some nice root growth. I still use it though.
Yeah, Dyna's K-L-N and Superthrive is the way to go, Just water as you normally would, maybe a little more, but...
Also, don't be surprised if the wrinkled damaged leaves kinda stay that way; as long as the new growths and leaves look good, the plant will recover overall just fine. Sometimes Catt's damaged leaves get better, and sometimes they look crappy for years until their time comes and they totally yellow, shrivel and fall off (and good riddance!)