I just found this board while Googling for info on Psychilis macconnelliae (also known as "Macconnell's Butterfly" or "Island Peacock").
I have four of these in Houston that I brought from Anegada (in the British Virgin Islands) back in 2003. All four of mine are now in constant bloom, with some of the spikes over 6 feet tall. I support the spikes on plant stakes.
I originally had them all in orchid bark with sphagnum, and they did very little. After 3 years, I repotted one of them in pure bark. I got the idea from how they grow in the wild on Anegada (they are
everywhere). On Anegada, these orchids grow above ground, mainly attached to a bush that we call "torchwood"). The roots wrap themselves around the outside of the torchwood down near the base of the bush, and the bloom spikes extend up out of the bush, usually ending about 5 or 6 feet in the air.
Here is a photo of one growing in the wild:
Here is a photo of one attached to the base of a frangipani (plumeria alba) tree:
So, about a year after moving one plant into bark-only, that one started to really look happy, putting on nice new growth. A year later, it presented me with a spike.
Here are my first blooms:
I immediately moved the other plants to bark-only. That was in 2007.
Now, all of them have beautiful flowers.
Here is a photo that I took last October of new spikes:
Those spikes are now over 6 feet long and the tips of them have continuous blooms on them. I need to take some new photos - I have not taken any since last October.
A "history" of my Anegada orchids is at
Here are a couple more photos of them in the wild on Anegada: