Cattleya Summer Spots is Summer Stars x aclandiae. It is a small plant (a bit bigger than a miniature) and I grow it int/warm under bright light. Potted in CHC and perlite.
LOL...actually it smells very nice. A light citrusy scent. The flower has just opened...I will post again in a week or so when it has it's final colours.
Very nice Wendy - love C. aclandiae crosses....or just C. aclandiae itself!
Usually plants with brown colors, or dark as in black, or muddy colors, or colors that make the flower resemble dead flesh are stinky flowers. The colors help to convince flies that they are heading for a good egg deposition site, but are in fact being duped into pollinating a flower.
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"