Cattleya bicolor is generally divided in three ecotypes:
C. bicolor ssp. bicolor (States of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro
Cattleya bicolor Lindl. on Flickr - Photo Sharing!),
C. bicolor ssp. minasgeraisensis (State of Minas Gerais)
and C. bicolor ssp. brasiliensis (Central Brazilian Plateau)
Cattleya bicolor Lindl. - var. brasiliensis on Flickr - Photo Sharing!.
A possilbe fourth ssp, sometimes mentioned as a separate species, but not generally accepted, would be C. bicolor ssp. grossii with its flat lips accompanying the general plan of the column (not curving down as in the other ssp.
Cattleya bicolor Lindl. on Flickr - Photo Sharing!)
Ssp. bicolor is the less desirable of them due to flowers with thin segments, especially petals and lips.
Ssp. brasiliensis has vibrant colored flowers with larger magenta lips and ssp. minasgeraisensis is the best of them in terms of form and color variations.
Cattleya bicolor Lindl. - var. minasgeraisensis on Flickr - Photo Sharing!