I purchased this lovely red catt about a year ago, and was patiently waiting for it to bloom, and it waaaaaaited until about a week ago
THEN I did some research into it and learned that (they say) it always blooms in February!! I wish I'd known that earlier LOL, I would've refrained from poking and prodding the plant with a flashlight for the past 12 months LOLOL...
This plant also has 2 other sheaths with blooms, but then have not yet emerged. I feel like the blooms are a little small, but then again, it may have been setting buds when I was moving (via driving a uhaul) to chicago and maybe that stressed it out a bit.
Pretty color anyways!! Very vibrant. Here are some culture details on this particular plant:
-grown in south window
-humidity an avg of 50% daily
-grown in hydroton
-fan on it all day to keep air moving
-winter: water 1x a week, every 4th week just clear water, fert all the rest of the time