Hi there!
I have recently purchased a Laelia liliputana, and just now purchased: Laelia kettieana; Laelia milleri and Laelia pabsti. I am hoping to win a Laelia fournieri.
My question is, how do I take care of these? I wanted to re-pot them in Erin pots, but I wanted to know if its necessary to pot them up in a rock based medium, such as LECA or lava rock.
Further, do they require fertilizing? I read somewhere that they do better without?
Lighting--I have them in my brightest spot in the office--which is very bright.
Lastly, watering? always damp? I have been watering my liliputana 3 times per week and it it starting one new growth and has a large (relative to its size) new root.
Thanks!! I love these little Brazilian Minis!!