I went by Jesse Rozanski's (Rozanski's House of Orchids) to wish him a Merry Christmas. After sitting and talking for about three hours, he gave me this beauty! It has a little water damage on the sepals, but I'm not complaining!
This intermedia surely is beautiful, Jasen! Congrats on your present! Is it C. intermedia var. orlata x self?
I'm not positive. He only writes numbers on the tags, and I have to go on his website to see the exact parentage.....and unfortunately his website is down right now. As soon as I find out, I will let you know....but I think it is x self.
Beautiful Jasen. I just received C. intermedia var. alba from Santa Barbara Orchids. It looks like a very large plant for C. intermedia and it has a very large sheath but no buds yet. I am hoping for lots of them because of the large size