This past summer I repotted several of my catts. Somehow I placed two name tags in one pot. So not knowing which was which, I figured I'd just wait til one of them flowered and search for which was what. The plant that I had placed two tags flowered and that situation has been resolved to my mental satifaction.... Well, to make things more difficult....nothing with me is ever simple....yes, we've all been there!

I now find I have two plants and only one tag. So I have waited for one of the remaining unidentified plants to flower and I thought this would resolve the problem.... Well, today one of them began to open so I tried to do a search of the name on the tag, Blc Haw Yuan Ruby. Can't find it..... I can find lots of catts that begin with Blc Haw Yuan..... but not Ruby... So if anyone can help, this is the flower that started opening today... but I don't know, is this Ruby.... or maybe Mary Jane... or Zelda ... or????