Location: Tampa Bay - Pasco county - just north of Clearwater
Age: 62
Posts: 43
Pot. Patricia Phelps 'Twilight'
I am growing this Pot., and it is gorgeous. It grows in a low coc basket, full 10" and beginning to lap over. However, it never blooms. It is getting VERY bright light under shadecloth here in Tampa Bay, and regulat catt care. Anyone heard of it? I cannot find it on any search. It has been getting fertilizer, and I tried bloom food this fall. No sheaths. Thanks Greg in New Port Richey
Sometimes patience is a virtue,catts seem to make there own mind up when to flower,I had one that sulked for 4 years after I purchased it and didn't flower but eventualy did. try moving it to a new position with a bit less light.
Potinara's like low to medium light w/light fertilizer. Control your watering in the winter and see if this will kick start it's blooming cycle in spring. Also you should cut back to a monthly fert feeding in during the winter months. I read somewhere that potinara's are slow growing and take up to 4 years to bloom. Patience and you will be flourished with lovely blooms.