This is brand new to science. The plant has been described in the September/2008 issue of the AOS magazine 'Orchids'. The name is in honor of a great friend of mine, Waldormiro Terassan, who I have the pleasure to meet almost every week. He is an old orchid lover and collector. He found the plant decades ago, a single specimen, on a small piece of remaining forest, actually more a group of trees than any other thing, on a small farm he owned in Juquiá, a small city in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. He knew the flowers were similar to Anacheilium (or Prosthechea) fragrans, but not the same. The plant anyway remained undescribed until now.
The flowers are wonderfully fragrant and the plant is somewhat creeping.
My plant is a piece of the original found. I've been growing it for the last two years.
The plant and flowers view:
Anacheilium terassanianum Campacci & Harding - plant on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
A single spike:
Anacheilium terassanianum Campacci & Harding on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
A close up view of one flower:
Anacheilium terassanianum Campacci & Harding on Flickr - Photo Sharing!