Originally Posted by greenbean
Wow! Is that Puanani? I have one of those that I rescued from Lowe's. It was almost dead, but it was soooooo pretty . I've had it for about 2 years and it bloomed with 1 spike of about 12 flowers this year, double the number from last year. I think it has 4pseudobulbs technically more like 3.5 because the first one to grow after I saved it was so small. I'll have to post some pics when I get home from college, because it's in a really cool setup. Your's looks absolutely wonderful! Given what mine went through, these are tough plants, so I hope mine looks like yours in a few more years! Great growing!
Originally Posted by JennS
I have to ask too if it is not a 'punani'. The regular lava burst I have seen before didn't look quite as vibrant as this one...
Hi Greenbean and Jenn...this is not Puanani, at least not to my knowledge. The tag just says Hwra. Lava Burst.
Originally Posted by Leisurely
Very impressive, David. If it is red I like it. I have heard that the plant is capable of blooming more than once per year.
Hi Liesurely...this is the third time this guy has bloomed for me in the past 12 months. The first two times it only had one spike.
I like it this way much better.
Originally Posted by RoyalOrchids
Your shade house must be pretty warm by now - you know, with all that lava bursting!
Royal...it's just cookin' with color! Thanks!
Thanks to everyone for your wonderful remarks!