Does anyone have tips on growing slc. barefoot mailman? I have it in my terrarium, and a small division in semi-hydro in my window, but can't find any info on it. The one in my terrarium has only put up one new leaf and no flowers (though a lot of new roots) in the 6 months I've had it. How much light, humidity and temps should I be giving this guy? Here's a pic of it, though the second biggest leaf has turned more yellow in the upper 1/3 since I took this pic. I don't fertilize very much, could this be a problem?
Thanks, Mark
Lights: ~110 watts compact fluorescent with good reflectors, 14 hrs/day (2 of the hours there is 220 watts on)
Temp: ~79 during the day, ~71 night
humidity: ~about 100%, auto-misted about once a day
Fertilizer: Grow-More 20-10-20 urea free, diluted 1:2, about once ever 6 weeks.
Air Flow: computer fans move air around slowly, but the air is not stagnant