My hubbie surprised me with a GIANT today!! She's the most MASSIVE Catt I've EVER Seen!!! Her flowers are 7" wide!!! I have hundreds of Catt's, on none look like this beauty "in size"!!
He knew just what I needed!! Another chid
OMG, it's now Sunday morning, and I went outside on the patio, for the first time early, and OMG does it smell like HEAVEN!!! This baby below is the reason
Such a beautiful Smelly on her!!!
Thanks EVERYONE for the Birthday wishes!!! He knows very very well what I want
And funny enough, we went out to dinner tonight with some friends of ours, and they too gave me another HUGE Dendro!! I asked him & her, did my husband tell you to buy this?? They said NO, we just knew you'd love "Another Chid"!! I couldn't believe it!!
And they were right!!!! Never can have too many chids around!!