Can someone please help me ID this plant. I was told it was a species from central america. I got/bought it off this old man years back but have never got around to identifying it. He said it is quite rare. It has been growing on a tree in my garden. I'm assuming it is a cattleya. Has anyone got an idea of what it is? i'm no expert on cats and i don't grow many of them. Any help is much appreicated.
Last edited by OrchidLover1982; 09-09-2008 at 05:46 PM..
Reason: typo
That's a real stunner right there, and with so many buds!..can't help with the ID, although it doesn't look like a species to me - more like some sort of hybrid. I'm sure a catt expert will chime in soon - they can identify things based upon the number of leaves, where the sheath is's very impressive
It is something like Cattleya skinneri crossed with a Prosthechea/Anacheilium. The latter gives the veining in the lip. It might have some Caularthron in it (rather than Prosthechea) but I've never seen such a hybrid without a much longer inflorescence. Think Dialaelia Snowflake.
I think Eric is close. It does look like it could have some Anacheilium in there (non-resupinate flowers). It also looks like it could have some Caul. in there too. The Cat parentage could have some bowringiana.
thanks for the help and input people. Yeah i suspected it may not be a species even though i'm sure i was originally told it was. Nice plant none the less. I might get a photo when its in full bloom.