Will someone please provide either a bookmark for an Internet Site or the complete list of Species that belong to the Cattleya Allicance. I can't seem to find a complete list. It's important to me for hybridization and jsut general knowledge. Regards
There is also Euchile, Hormidium and Pollardia. There's the problem how many others. Hopefully one of the other members will have the answer. Thanks for your inputs
I have Orchidwiz and it may have the information but it is not intuitive. Somewhere someone has a list.
Open Orchidwiz.
go to "list" at the top left
select "species"
select Breeding Group: Cattleyas, etc
hit "list" button
this brings up your list....it is in order of most awarded species. If you click on the Genus name bar at the top of the column it will alphabetize the genus names.