Really neat dwarf species from lowland Brazil, it's one of the smallest Cattleya at about about 10 inches tall. The blooms are huge in comparison to the plant size, spanning perhaps 4 inches. The smell is a sweet, rubbery fragrance, and is somewhat stronger at night. One of my favorites of this genus (I still can't get this camera to take good shots! )
Great work with that one! I was also very fond of the fragrance that came from my plant earlier in the summer. Do you grow outside? How long have you had this particular plant?
I love this one and have admired it for along time. I wasn't sure how big it would get, but since it's under 10" it's now on the list for sure! Very nice Pat. It's just gorgeous. The pics are nice too!
i have to say that the patterning of the flower is absolutely stunning. for someone like me who ain't a fan of cats, it makes me think twice about maybe trying a species