Here is the popular Bc. Binosa 'Wabash Valley' (C. bicolor x B. nodosa) blooming with one of it's relatives. The first photo is of the Bc. Binosa. The second is my new Encycleyvola Surprise (Bc. Binosa x Encyclia plicata v. alba). The third and fourth photos are side-by-side for comparison.
Flower form and color are very similar. Bloom season is obviously similar. Main difference I can see is the larger lateral lobes on the lip of the Encycleyvola and the more solid yellowish color of it's petals and sepals. It's unifoliate (so far) and much smaller in stature. The Bc. Binosa has more green, a little mottling, is bifoliate, and is more of a standard Cat size.
Enjoy. I am!