I know it is frequently said about phal hybrids that it is near impossible to ID. I would think, to some extent, this would follow true for catts, unless, of course, your catt fits into a specific breed like a Tabby or Maltese or American Keuda...well you get the point
Anyway, back to the ID question...I have trouble ID-ing my own house much less a hybrid plant...so you can tell I'm not going to be the best person to respond, but...
Your flower is beautiful and lots of fluff with striking color (colour).... This is the closest thing I have to yours...I know I wouldn't win at the Match Game but maybe yours has some parent relationship to mine...maybe some kind of extra-marital thing
Doc, Beautiful orchid! Very floofy! Mine is the homely cousin next to your beauty queen!
Virgil, you were right about Lc. Persepolis. I am sure that is one parent. And that is as close as I am going to get. Oh well. If you google Lc. Persepolis you get so many hybrids! All of them beautiful and none of them mine. It would be nice to get a few of those. They grow well down here.