To quote a post of mine from this thread -
"It's Guarisophleya Netrasiri Waxy
Guarisophleya [Gsl.] = Cattleya x Guarianthe* x Sophronitis
Cattlianthe Chocolate Drop occurs in it's lineage as a grandparent of both parent plants.
(Orchid kinkiness never ceases to amaze me )
Cattlianthe Chocolate Drop = Cattleya guttata X Guarianthe aurantiaca**
There are certain Cattleya which are now classified as Guarianthe* - These are -
- Guarianthe aurantiaca**
- Guarianthe bowringiana
- Guarianthe patinii
- Guarianthe skinneri
as per Guarianthe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and some laelia have been reclassifed as Sophronitis.
So if it were a Lc, it is now a Gsl "