Originally Posted by SueK
I have had this flowering size division of C. Ports of Paradise Emerald Isle for 4 years and it hasn't flowered yet. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I am going wrong?
Does it maybe need stronger light than normal, because I have a feeling that my shadecloth is darker than 50% but I am not sure, as I bought the bush house 2nd hand. It is supposed to have a green flower. Does anyone else out there have this orchid who can tell me what growing conditions they have?
Thanks in anticipation of an answer.
Hi Sue...I just saw this thread, and thought I'd respond to it. I have found that my cattleyas like
LOTS of high light. Sooooooooo, I removed my 40% shade cloth. At that time, I had just received a very large Emerald Isle ( in bud ) from a grower, which bloomed. After E.I. finished blooming, it was re-potted. Now, it has five almost mature new growths. I have started to give it Peters 10-30-20 blossom booster. I expect to have at least ten flowers this Fall....Will let you know. Hope this helps...BettyE.