I came home today to see THIS! It's not completely opened but I just couldn't resist sharing Right now the flower is about 4" across...I can't wait to see it fully opened!
Blc. Keowee 'Newberry'
Lc.Lorraine Shirai x B.nodosa
It's Lovely!
Love the color combo
And Oh, that lip!
Where Oh where did you get this one!
This show stopper came from a dealer that is just up the street from the house...Green Earth Landscaping. The grower is Thomas Aaron. He got it from Owen Holmes @ Carter and Holmes....
So this morning's show was even more delightful. My DH took it down into his "studio" and took some proper pictures...I am so thrilled with this. And what's more, there's another sheath emerging!!!
Last edited by CoolPhrog; 06-25-2008 at 11:37 AM..