Originally Posted by Peter NL
Wow!! Beautiful Mauro!
I am still waiting for mine to bloom....but is still too young. I have var. tigrina. Is this still a var??? or already a species?
Regards!! Peter
There has been some confusion regarding guttata and tigrina. Some time ago a few taxonomists started saying that the Cattleya guttata of Lindley had been described as Cattleya tigrina by A. Rich. before Lindley's description. This caused many growers to change their labels from guttata to tigrina. More recently, however, it has been accepted that the plant that A. Rich. had in hands and described as C. tigrina was in fact a Cattleya leopoldi Verschaff. ex Lem., a similar, but different species as you know. So, C. leopoldi is now C. tigrina and the C. guttata of Lindley remains as an accepted name.