Guarianthe aurantiaca 'Orange Spots' - will flower size increase with time?
This is the first bloom of this plant. I got it as a tiny seedling 3 years ago. The flowers are quite small. Will blooms stay as small?
I think as my plant matures the number of buds in the inflorescence may increase. But will they stay of the same size?
That is typical flower size for that species. As cattleyas go, they are fairly small but are used extensively in hybridization for its orange color.
Thank you. The color is very heartwarming. Freckles are cute. In my experience this cattleya took a lot of different deviations in care, stayed healthy and continue to grow. Love this plant!
Guarianthe/Cattleya aurantiaca will flower with a lot less light than many Cattleyas. I saw one in habitat flowering in Mexico in mostly shade in November one year.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.