Thank you for the input, ES and Roberta—you might not realize it, but you’re enabling me in my “madness”
After some debate, I’ve narrowed it down to either a C. purpurata f. carnea from KrullSmith or a primary hybrid of C. gaskelliana x C. purpurata in the form of an Lc. C.G. Roebling ‘Beechview’ clone from Odom’s. A member of my local orchid society has an immensely well grown ‘Beechview’ clone that has impressed itself into my memory since the first time I saw it and I was pretty excited when I learned of its lineage during my search for purpuratas.
I tried to find a species for sale that would have a solid indigo lip like the ‘Beechview’, but I couldn’t find one and those that came close were either over budget, seedlings of selfings and other crosses(who knows what I’d actually get), or bare root divisions from Taiwan that had only pictures of a flower and a small division without any description as to their origin(seed grown vs. clone/division).
The only thing that’s stopping me from getting the ‘Beechview’ clone is the fact that it’s only half a purpurata and I’m thinking maybe the introduction of the gaskelliana might have taken away from the bulletproof-ness of the purpurata…well, that AND I wouldn’t have a species

The C. purpurata f. carnea satiates that bit of “purist” in me AND relieves my anxiety about the plant’s ability to tolerate extremes being lessened through hybridization, BUT I’m not the biggest fan of the rosy pink lip & throat and they’ve also been seed grown.
Decisions, decisions…