Originally Posted by Ray
Looks pretty nice to me.
Thank you, Ray—I have our OB colleagues, Kelpak, and this plant’s will to live to thank for this

---------- Post added at 08:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 AM ----------
Originally Posted by Waterdog111
Hey Gf,Ive got a couple of those I bought from Seattle Orchid, just Mine havent bloomed. Ive had mine over a year. Shows how good I am, oh well they are both still alive and seem healthy. Mines in lava rock.
I suppose its probably even warmer over there than here in Tx close to the gulf.
You might be in for a surprise, WD—my sheath produced a bud seemingly out of nowhere on mine! I got it mid-March of 2024 with what looked like the beginnings of a new growth, mounted it May 1st after it hadn’t done anything out on the porch, and by July it turned out that the nub I had been watching wasn’t a new growth at all.
The growth that produced this flower was discovered on July 9th, which means I eagerly watched this thing do nothing for nearly 4 months while entirely convinced something was on the horizon
Curious to see how it will react to the summer this year now that it has its bearings!
---------- Post added at 09:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 AM ----------
Originally Posted by marie458
Congrats! It's little but mighty adorable, that's for sure. I'm not brave enough yet to mount any of my cattleyas. The closest I've come is potting them in slatted wooden baskets. I'm curious... on what do you have this one mounted? It looks very happy there 
Thank you, Marie!
Oh this thing could fit in a shirt pocket—a real mini! I’m a cattleya newbie, so my choice to mount was not an educated one—I just think things growing on trees look cool

and it worked out for this one(…for now)! The style points of tree mounting don’t translate into utility, though—the slat baskets offer all the air and drainage of the tree with the added convenience of being able to move the plant when it’s showtime or if there’s inclement weather on the way. As for the tree it’s on, that’s a Pygmy date(Phoenix roebelenii), a common installation in cookie-cutter, builder-grade landscapes—you’ve probably seen them everywhere!
---------- Post added at 09:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 AM ----------
Originally Posted by FranningtonBear
Absolutely stunning! I love the contrast between petal/sepals and lip.
Thank you, FranningtonBear! I needed something to break up the pinks, purples, and whites that dominate the front of the house, so I decided to punctuate the existing color scheme with flashes of red from this Cattleya and some red Tolumnias!