Hello everyone.
I currently have most of my cattleyas near a really big western facing window and I am worried my cattleyas may not be receiving enough light during this time to actually bloom.
I wanted to know if cattleyas during winter can get between 8-9 hours of sunlight and bloom. I was watching a video from Roger on youtube about his winter care and he had some cattleyas and he said he doesn't supplement them with light during the winter but since he grows them in kind of a greenhouse I was wondering if my case would be similar since I live in Spain and he lives in the UK.
Would them having less light during winter just cause them to slow down but eventually bloom? Some of my cattleyas right now are growing new pseudobulbs and roots and they both keep getting bigger so I have been fertilizing them still to help with the growth so that may be a good sign? Or maybe I will just get leaf growth without flowers?
I hope you can help me with these questions. Everytime I have posted here everyone has been so lovely and helpful