Sophronitis riograndensis struggling
Hello everyone!
So it's about acclimatising mostly. I have bought this S. riograndensis about 6 month ago, since then it dried out slowly 4 new growth it came with, then dried out almost all the leaves one by one and actually some bulbs. Now I am almost sure it's its last month. The green bulbs are firm,
no real rot signs (and I assume it would die much quicker).
My temp are about 25C day, 20C night, humidity 70-85% (the joy of living on the island), and just the next pot with it a Sophronitis brevipendiculata from the same vendor is going just fine, have matured 3 growth and starting 2 new.
Any thoughts? Or may be it's already to be buried in the garden to stop its suffering?
Thank you!