Some Cattleyas have ancestors that get a constant source of Calcium due to where they grow and seem to need more Calcium than other Cattleyas...and this should be a constant source. I have tap water with a good amount of Calcium so I have been using this for the past few years and that has taken care of most of the Calcium issues.
If your plants are still outside, powdered milk/milk added to the watering can each time you water provides an easily absorbed source of Calcium. If your plants are indoors, Crushed oyster shell is a good for a slower release of Calcium. If you still have that Cali-magic, I would add a little every time you water and also used the crushed oyster shell. You seem to have one of those Cattleyas with ancestors that need more Calcium. Might as well get a couple of Angraecums to go with it!