Originally Posted by galguibra
That definitely clears up some of my confusion around the spotting too! The poster suggests that coerulea pigmentation on different vegetative structures can be on a spectrum from a deep wine color that's maybe slightly more grayish/less saturated than tipo plants, to grey-cast greens, all the way to a clear lime green as though it were an alba plant.
I think that looking at this as something on a spectrum is right on the money. There's probably not a hard and fast rule to
know whether a bloom will be coerulea but rather to
suspect if it'll be. Blooming will be the confirmation factor.
I think what's important to know about spotting, is that coerulea forms don't tend to spot, or spot less, so they might get burnt more easily if the light is too high, that's my biggest takeaway for culture. Also, it's sort of known that the first bloom of coerulea cattleyas is terrible, so don't get discouraged if the first one kinda sucks

It'll get better with time. Keep us posted!