That spike is insanely long. No wonder any scent could only be detected by a bee. Thank you for the further information from your notes. I figured that the change in climate might set it back. But I did specifically get it at this time of year because the next three months (July through September) are the only time I'll be able to provide anything very close to what it gets in nature. It will spend the winter in a very large south-facing bathroom window where the temperature never drops below 70 F at night. I thought about keeping it in the sunroom with everything else. But I can only provide winter night "highs" in the low 60s, which I thought might be pushing my luck a little with a plant that's native to mangrove swamps in the Yucatan peninsula (at least from what little I've been able to find on this species so far).
I do love all of those pseudobulbs on your plant--especially since these all arose from a single bulb not very long ago. That gives me a better idea of just how robust these plants are when they're happy. Again, I really appreciate the information you've provided.