I lived in St. Louis and brought a large collection of cacti & succulents in and out each Winter/Summer. Many people in the Henry Shaw Cactus Society do this. First move them outside to full shade for a week, then somewhere they will get only early morning sun for a few hours for a week. Then move them gradually into more sun every few days. If your conditions require big leaps, start with bright shade, then move to more sun, covered with two layers of shade cloth. After a week take off one layer, then wait a week and take off the other layer. At all times be prepared to move back to more shade if they look heat stressed.
Putting a fan blowing directly on the plant or plants when the sun is on them lets you move them into sun faster. The air will carry off the heat and the leaves will not heat up much past ambient temperature. The fans works well here in Arizona until it gets over 105 F / 40.5C.