Myrmecophila albopurpurea advice
Hi OB,
My husband and I are visiting family in Florida this week and I had a chance to visit two nurseries yesterday. I was super excited to see Myrmecophila growing and flowering on the grounds of one of the nurseries and marveled at how giant they are. I had never seen one in person before.
We then went to the second nursery where they were selling Myrmecoplia albopurpurea in bloom. I did not know there are compact-growing species in the genus and bought one on impulse. This is the most expensive orchid I have every purchased and I am now in a bit of a panic about how to care for it properly, with my biggest concern being how to give it enough light.
I currently grow my entire collection under LED lights and can bloom Cattleyas (although I don't grow very many of them). Since Myrmecophila need more light than Catteyas and often grow in full sun, I'm considering growing it on my deck during the four months it would be possible to do this in Chicago and move it back under lights for the rest of the year.
I know from experience that it is a bad idea to move a plant into full sun without an adjustment period. I'm looking for some practical advice about how to transition a plant to full sun without burning it. I would also be grateful for any other advice y'all have about growing this wonderful species.