Myrmecatavola Frances Fox potting question
Got this Myrmecatavola Frances Fox late September 2023. It was in sphagnum which is not good for me as I know I’m heavy handed with water. I repotted it in Orchiata as you can see in the picture, but obviously I did it with one eye crossed or something because it ended up leaning like a drunken duck. It was my first Catt type and I had this idea that I was going to kill it just by looking at it. Duh. As it was most of the roots were rotten and soft and I was probably more traumatized than the plant giving them all the chop. Since then it’s taken off like a weed, new growth, masses of roots, feisty thing. So, here’s the question; It’s leaning like a mad thing and the roots are above, below and sticking out the sides. Do I repot again (upright this time) or wait, see if the latest growth will bloom and then do it afterwards? Everywhere I read that Catts hate to be disturbed. Of course I’d like to see it bloom but I’d much rather it be happy and healthy so I’ll do whatever is best for the plant. Advice anyone? Thanks for your help.