Louie- I also have another skinneri that is alleged to be var. oculata. My understanding is that "oculata" refers to a deep lavender color way back in the throat with the rest of the flower coloration being irrelevant. In other words, "oculata" could have a flower with any amount of coloration to the sepals and petals. Like I said, is that scientifically correct? I don't know, it's only my understanding from discussions with folks smarter than me about such things.
My oculata only had 2 spikes this year so it didn't get to come up to the porch like the alba did so I took a pic of it when I was down in the shade house this morning. So, just for giggles and discussion, here it is. Notice how much more lavender blush it has? The picture is not at the right angle to catch it here but the deep coloration way back in the throat is there.
Something tells me we could team up on a doctoral thesis on this species and figure out none of our plants are what we were told they were when we acquired them.