After almost 6 years without a bloom it seems there's something growing inside a sheath. It was there before but today I noticed the sheath got fat and what's inside is growing bigger.
During all these years the plant became well established in its pot, with multiple growths each year, but never bloomed in spite of the numerous sheaths.
It gets full sun every winter (here, during the coldest months, the weather is usually cool/cold with clear skies) but that was not enough, it seems.
After trying a different parameter combination each year (sun, watering, temps, etc), this year I changed the watering scheme and min temps. I didn't watered it for almost two months (only occasional
misting of the medium) together with lower temps at night (8ºC / 47 F) by letting it sit outside during the night. The leaves show a discoloration caused by low temps, something that I have seen in other Laelias together with the purple caused by high light intensity.
This time, if it blooms, then I have found the sweet spot for this species. By other words, these rupis don't like babysitting too much.
Let's hope for beautiful flowers.
Some photos:


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