I recently purchased a couple of Cats / Laelias and after a month I can tell they have successfully adapted to my cool growing conditions over this time of the year. They're starting to grow roots.
I was considering mounting them, as I had some root rot issues in summer two years ago. The thing is that mounted orchids sometimes makes them grow tougher, but more slowly.
So, I've got
L. jongheana starting to push out a growth.
Laelia Santa Barbara Sunset, growing a spike and some tiny roots.
Laelia tenebrosa x cinnabarina, pushing out roots. This one I think will do well potted, like my purpurata.
Laelia loddigesii x rupiculous hybrid.
Laelia Puppy Love
Cattleya Chrystelle Smith, sending out roots, but no new growth.
Laelia Doris and Byron, doing nothing so far.
I think most of them can tolerate pots, but would like some advice if any of them don't mind or actually require being damp for longer (jongheana, tenebrosa and Chrystelle Smith, maybe). And I'm worried that Santa Barbara Sunset will do better mounted, but don't want to risk the flowering.
I'm all ears!