"The flowers measure eight to ten inches across and are very showy"
- Helen Adams in '
Cattleya warscewiczii, a history'
"Cattleya warscewiczii is not only the largest flowered of the cattleya genus with flowers that can reach 12 inches across from petal tip to petal tip, it also produces the largest flower spikes with as many as ten of these huge flowers per spike"
-Chadwick from '
the king of the mountain that heralds the arrival of summer'
"Cattleya warscewiczii is famous for the large size of its flower spike, which can have as many as 10 flowers, with each one being up to 12 inches across"
- Chadwick same article
The bloom itself is one of the largest in the whole cattleya family with an 8 or 9 inch spread not uncommon"
- R E Post Jr in 't
he building blocks of the cattleya genus: cattleya warscewiczii'
I cant find the article that said 11 inches but you get the picture.
---------- Post added at 11:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 AM ----------
Originally Posted by isurus79
This is something us AOS judges have wondered for a while as well. Where do these fabled 12" flowers described by Chadwick exist? Maybe Big Foot has some growing in the dark forests of the Pacific Northwest?  
Is there any chance the breeding would have favored form over size? It's hard to imagine that they would completely ignore a 12" flower because it's a little droopy.
There is also a lot of talk of the different varieties. Again, it seems doubtful that we would forget about the largest variety because of bad form or color.