Cattleya Nancy Off 'Linwood' AM/AOS
over the years I have managed to accumulate several standard white cattleya hybrids, from the old Bow Bells and Bob Betts to some newer cultivars. This one is still probably my favorite, with absolutely enormous flowers >8" across, massive overlapping petals, and room-filling fragrance. I find many cultivars might bloom a bit inconsistently (possibly due in part to culture), but this one has always produced perfect flowers for me. No wonder it got an 89 point AM in 2009, but it is better than any FCC white I have. The only knock is that it doesn't give you many flowers, I have only gotten 2 at a time.
This is an original division from Waldor, and I got it for a song years ago at a show. ('Linwood' has been mericloned as well). Used to be known as their '1010' cultivar as they grew many Nancy Off plants for cut flowers. Best 50 bucks I have ever spent!